Middleware Configuration

A Middleware Object has the following schema. As long as the id is unique, a middleware can be re-used multiple times. For example, one bucket ratelimiter to limit burst requests per second, and another to limit requests per day.

// Middleware Object
  // Unique identifier for this middleware.  Used when looking up
  // configuration and reporting metrics.
  id: "ratelimit",

  // The duration the middleware actor must respond within, otherwise the
  // middleware will be skipped for that request.
  // If a middleware must not be skipped, set this timeout to be greater
  // than Spray's timeout value
  sla: 20 ms,

  // The actor class used to build the Middleware actor.  This allows for separate
  // concerns of managing the middleware and implementing the middleware.
  // See options below.
  builder: BucketRateLimitBuilder

Middleware Builder Settings

Config Value: ApiKeyAuthBuilder

Creates a Middleware actor that does authentication based off an API Key header. See more.

Config Value: BucketRateLimitBuilder

Creates a Middleware actor that does rate limiting by grouping requests into buckets. See more.

Config Value: ResponseCacheBuilder

Creates a Middleware actor that caches and serves responses. See more.

Config Value: (Fully Qualified Class Name)

Shield will create an actor of the given class. This allows an external class to manage a custom middleware implementation. See more.