Base Shield Configuration

All Shield configuration is done using the HOCON language, same as the underling Spray and Akka libraries. This allows one configuration mechanism to control all aspects of Shield’s operation.

To supply your config, create an application.conf file and set the config.file Java property to the location of your config file. For more details, see HOCON’s standard behavior for loading configuration.

shield {
  // The name used to represent the local service when doing request logging
  service-name: "shield"

  // The name used to represent the local host when doing request logging
  // If this is not set, it falls back to the `HOSTNAME` environment variable,
  // and if that is not set, it falls back to ``
  hostname: // no default value

  // The port that Shield listens on for incoming connections
  port: 8080

  paths {
    // The path that Shield uses for its healthcheck endpoint
    healthcheck: "/healthcheck"

    // The path that Shield uses for its healthcheck endpoint
    metrics: "/metrics"

    // The path that Shield uses when retrieving Swagger1 Documentation from an
    // upstream service
    swagger1: "/api-docs"

    // The path that Shield uses when retrieving Swagger2 Documentation from an
    // upstream service
    swagger2: "/spec"

  // The number of proxies in front of Shield.  This is used when calculating the
  // value to use when setting the `Client-Address` header.  Compare this to the
  // `Remote-Address` header, which Spray sets to the address of the actual connection.
  // If this value is 0, `Client-Address` is the same as `Remote-Address`
  // If this value is > 0, `Client-Address` is set to the address specified by the
  // `X-Forwarded-For` header, counting from the back
  trust-proxies: 0

  // If this is set to `true`, Shield will update the URI of the request to use the
  // protocol specified by the `X-Forwarded-Proto` header.
  trust-x-forwarded-proto: false

  // Determines which method is used for loading configuration for domains.
  // See options below
  domain-watcher: StaticDomainWatcher


Domain Watcher Settings

Config Value: StaticDomainWatcher

A static set of domains. See more.

Config Value: S3DomainWatcher

Continuously polls a file in AWS S3 that contains the domain settings. See more.

Config Value: (Fully Qualified Class Name)

Shield will create an actor of the given class. This allows an external class to manage domain discovery. See more.